Changing the Game of Education

EDU Game Changers
Upcoming Events
EDU Game Changers LLC 2020
This one day conference will focus on strategies that support the success of special populations. It will include sessions that will give educators the tools needed to support student language and academic growth.
Location: DFW
Interested in Attending?
Training sessions options will include:
Collaborative Instructions for Special Populations
Accommodating to meet student needs
Instructional Strategies
Integrating Technology to support Student Growth
Using the ELPS to grow language and academics
What is included in the Conference?
Conference will include:
Sessions flexibility
Lunch Provided
Online Resources

Changing the Game: ELLs and Technology
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have become buzzwords in education technology, but how can they be used to increase scholarship and language acquisition for ELL students? Utilizing stations in the classroom gives teachers opportunities to introduce these new technologies and create strategies that will prepare students for 21st century employment opportunities.
In this session participants will learn how to integrate technology and stations to increase student success. It will specifically look at how the utilization of tools such as VR, AR, an online tools that will create engaging learning experiences that are visually rich while building academic vocabulary in English Language Learners.
Writing Routinely and Integrating Technology Easily
TCEA/Technology Conference
Combining technology and writing to advance language among ELL students creates real-world connections to course content. Using tools such as Interactive Online Journals, InkleWriter, and Dig-tal Templates promote creativity and individuality as students develop real world social media pages to represent characters, historical events, and concepts.
Spend time learning interactive strategies to promote and increase writing success for ELLs
Focus on ways to Integrate technology to connect students to the learning experiences
Effective Writing Strategies
Integrating Hands On Learning Experiences
The World Within Your Hands: ELLs and Virtual Reality :
TCEA: The Experience at the Digital Square
Virtual reality has become a buzzword in education technology. VR increases scholarship and language acquisition for ELLs. VR in the classroom creates opportunities for interactive connections that will prepare students for the future. Participants will learn how to integrate virtual reality to increase ELL student success and engagement.
Spend time learning how to reach and teach struggling students using strategies to increase listening, speaking, reading, and writing for all students.
Specialized focus on ELL and Struggling students
Interactive Learning Experiences
How to get students to connect with learnining
Augmented Reality in the Palm of Your Hand
Creating hands-on interactive technology that fits in the palm of your hand is an innovative and individualized learning experience that keeps students involved in the learning process. Participants will learn to use the program Aurasma to create augmented reality cubes to fit any classroom and content area while promoting ELL language development.
Interactive learning experience to promote listening, speaking, reading, and writing
multiple purposes for using augmented reality in the classroom to promote language growth
Strategies and activities beneficial for any classroom and any student
Exploring the World Without Leaving the Classroom
Virtual reality in the classroom creates opportunities for interactive connections that will prepare students for the future. Through virtual reality, students can travel the globe without leaving the classroom and experience the world at the touch of a button. In this session, learn how to integrate VR to increase student success and engagement.
Interactive learning experience
Hands on virtual reality session
Learn how to increase engagement and success in the classroom